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How Do You See the World?

Drawing part of my worldview from Naturalism, I enjoy nature and the introspection that can result from it.  Being observant of my surroundings and taking a moment here and there to appreciate an aspect of them helps me relax and cool down when I am tense or reflect on the beauty of the world around me when I am calm.  This photograph depicts that mindfulness because instead of focusing on the face of the person, a mirror is covering his face and reflecting nature.  I think it’s important in life to reflect the beauty we see, and nature is a large part of that beauty for me.  We tend to get caught up in ourselves and forget to notice the earth around us, and this picture reminds us to enjoy the natural beauty that abounds.  This reminder deviates from the norm of society by being less self-involved (as much of the world tends to be today), but, as a Postmodernist as well as a Naturalist, I believe that this deviation is imperative for personal growth.  It is difficult to better understand yourself and grow as a person when you are conforming to the customs of this world.  The picture itself, and not only the subject in it, demonstrates a departure from the norm because it is not what most would expect it to be.  We recognize the form of a human body as having a torso, arms, a head, etc., but this forces us to see things from a different perspective when this recognizable form is violated.  This photo fascinates me because it is so simple, yet so complex, which mirrors my idea of nature – so simplistic in its beauty, yet so complex in its details.

The search for happiness is never-ending for me, as I am always striving to be as happy as I can be.  I find that happiness can be contagious, and others around me are frequently happier if I am as well, and vice-versa.  Sometimes though, it is necessary to create your own happiness, as this photo emphasizes to me.  Whether it is spraying puffy white clouds into a beautiful blue sky or smiling more to make yourself happier, it all comes back to you in the end and the decisions you make.  I believe in the concept of free will and that we are autonomous beings who can choose our own paths in life.  I see this picture as a demonstration of taking

an active role in the story of your life, and if life doesn’t go the way you want, you can make your best effort to change it.  I think this also relates to Gandhi’s quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”  Your story depends on you, and if you want to see a change in the world, you need to practice it yourself; that’s all you can do.  Setting an example, taking a stand, taking action – these can all start with you, but you have to choose to do so and commit yourself wholeheartedly.  If you want to make something happen, pull out a can of clouds and start spraying.

Photo Credit: Kevin Stankiewicz

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