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“I think writing your story gives you a sense of yourself, and a sense of accomplishment.” –Nicole Schwaben


On the Friday of move-in week, I was in my OWGL group when we all had to split up for a “First Experience” in the college of our major, so I asked if anyone was going to the Education Building.  This beautiful, shy-looking girl said she was, and we went together, trying to navigate campus without getting lost.  We spent the weekend talking to each other in our OWGL group and going to Opening Weekend events together.  Since then, Nicole and I have become very good friends.  Because we are both AYA Education majors, there are several classes that we will be taking together, and I love getting to know her in an educational setting as well.  We are both very close with our (separate) roommates and spend a majority of the time with them, so we often use each other as escapes when we need some time away.  We’re able to vent to each other about all the roommate drama that occurs because we know it won’t come back to the wrong ears.  My love of English and Nicole’s love of History intersect in the beautiful world of Literature, and we both believe greatly in the power of stories.  Writing has the ability to shed light on situations or events, inform its readers of the past or warn them of the future, make its readers consider their relationships, their words, their actions.  It has the power to bring magic into one’s life.  Through these stories, Nicole finds meaning in life, particularly in the ability to write your own story and dictate the events of your life.  Fate, luck, and destiny aside, Nicole believes strongly in taking an active role in life and telling your own story, instead of having someone else tell it for you.  The idea of deciding how you want to live your life lets me accomplish my meaning in life by choosing to be kind and love others.  It is not a choice everyone makes, but I want my story to be one of love and bringing joy to others’ lives.  As Nicole said in her quote, she feels that having the ability to write your story gives you a better sense of yourself and makes you more of an individual, instead of another conformist to society.  It also allows you to dig deeper into yourself and discover more about your person that will help you understand why you do what you do.  I am constantly searching to better understand myself and gain a better sense of self awareness, and Nicole’s meaning in life helps me do just that.

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